Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


Dompet Anime Deathnote
Rp 80.000
Kode Produk : KSAA016
Raglan Hoodie Trafalgar Law
Rp 95.000
Kode Produk : KSAR03
Raglan Deathnote GID
Rp 90.000
Kode Produk : KSAR04
Cosplay Ichigo Kurosaki
Rp 400.000
Kode Produk : KSAC01
Cosplay Akatsuki
Rp 260.000
Kode Produk : KSAC02
Kalung Anime Deathnote
Rp 50.000
Kode Produk : KSAA09
Please check this web to www.kisekianime.com
ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU.....!!!!!!!!!!!


Mungkin selama ini kita sering lihat atau baca anime favorit kita, nah pernah gak kalian berpikir anime yang kalian lihat atau baca selama ini mempunyai sejarah awal… nah jika kalian penasaran sejarah anime… kali ini kami akan membahas sejarah terciptanya anime hingga bisa terkenal sampai saat ini….
Anime ( アニメ) bermula pada tahun 1907 di Jepang, awalnya anime disana kurang begitu populer, sebelum melangkah lebih jauh lagi, kami akan membahas terciptanya awal kata “anime”…. Anime diambil dari kata bahasa inggris yaitu Animation, dan orang jepang sering membacanya a-ni-me-syon (アニメーション), dikarenakan orang jepang mempunyai kebiasaaan untuk menyingkat kata, maka orang jepang membacanya menjadi  a-ni-me (アニメ), dan kata anime digunakan orang jepang bahkan orang dunia hingga saat ini….
oke lanjut mengenai sejarah anime, anime sendiri mempunyai 2 generasi
Generasi Pertama
Generasi pertama (1910 – 1920an), animator pada era ini adalah Shimokawa Oten, Kouchi Jun’ichi, Kitayama Seitaro
Generasi Kedua
Pada masa ini animator Murato Yosuji, Kimura Hakuzan, Yamamoto Sanae and Ofuji Noboro, Pada tahun 1923, gempa bumi besar Kanto (Great Kantō earthquake) telah memusnahkan studio milik Kitayama dan animator yang terselamat telah memulakan studio animasi mereka sendiri.
Pada tahun 1918, sebuah anime yang dipanggil Momotaro (Peach Boy) telah dibuat dengan menggunakan kisah tempatan Jepun. Terdapat juga banyak siri-siri wayang yang dikisahkan menggunakan anime tersebut pada tahun 1920an, 1930an dan 1940an. Pada Perang Dunia Kedua, Anime bermasa pendek yang pertama telah dilahirkan dan diberi nama: Divine Sea Warriors (1945). Oleh kerana peperangan yang berlaku tidak berhenti-henti di Jepun pada masa itu, animasi tidak lagi dibuat dalam skala yang besar, sehinggalah Toei Animation dilahirkan.
Lalu pada tahun 1970 hingga 2000an anime jepang berkembang sangat pesat, hingga melahirkan anime Mobile Suit Gundam (1979–80). Valley of the Wind(1984).  Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy Tail, hingga yang sedang booming diakhir tahun 2012 Sword Art Online….


Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


"You Don't Understand Me! It's Not Like When You Were a Kid!"

The Argument:

"How can you possibly tell me that you understand what I'm going through? Back when you were a kid, if you got stressed out you could just pay five bucks to fill up your gas tank, listen to grunge music and smoke pot with your slacker friends, and it was totally expected. We have virtually nothing in common. You like different movies, music, TV shows. You have a completely different sense of humor from me. The world has moved on, and today's kids aren't like they were back when you were my age. We're more technology-minded, we know more about how the universe works, we have different styles and sensibilities than your generation. It's impossible for you to understand, so stop telling me that you do. Hey, you know what else? Fuck Pearl Jam ... yeah, I said it."

Directory list

Directory is in the form of attributes of files directory. information - information about the location of a file. dominant information related to file storage. This directory is a kind of a file that is owned by the operating system and can be accessed by regular and unrestricted in computer operating systems, and the man regarded as a place to put a data file or document - the document.

There is a directory component of the file system that contains one or more files or one or more other directories, called subdirectories. Limits the number of files or subdirectories that can be accommodated in a directory depends on the file system used, although most of the file system does not limit (the limit due to the size of the storage media in which the directory is located).

A directory that contains one or more directories called the parent directory of these directories, and any directories contained in a directory called the child directory. The directory structure is commonly known as the hierarchical structure of directories, or often referred to as a directory tree.

Memorandum or memo

Memorandum or memo is a quick message. Complete, the memo was written message man with a short, clear, and easy to understand.

According use Memo, Memo English are official and there are those that are personal (not official). Memo examples are officially adopted as official statement on the relationship of a superior to a subordinate. Meanwhile, Sample Memo personal note or letter is used as an unofficial statement among friends, relatives, or others who have an intimate relationship.

MEMO characteristics:

  •      Special letters are made ​​specifically for the purpose in the office or organization
  •      Judging from the circulation, an agency or organization may submit memo horizontally and vertically
  •      Submission is horizotal a memo to the giving of parties have positions satara
  •      Vertically giving of a delivery memo from superiors to subordinates or otherwise to warn or instruct   something
  •      Merupan Komuikasi forms that give advice, guidance, or information about something
  •      Having a piece of mail that is simpler than the official letter in general, especially in the letter.
  •      Due to the limited pedarannya, memo usually do not mention the identity of the office, such as office name, phone number, fax, and postal code, in full.

The characteristics of the memo form
Memo form consists of two parts:

     Memo chief

  •          receiver
  •          sender
  •          Subject and date of delivery
  •          Initials and the name of the sender bright

     The content, direct writers convey messages or commands in short sentences and straightforward.

Example Memo: