Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Expressing agreement and disagreement

Expressing agreement and disagreement

You could agree or disagree completely with the opinions or suggestions given by others. However sometimes, there are moments when you feel that you are sitting on a fence, where you could not decide whether to agree or disagree. Knowing your stand (whether to agree completely, reluctantly agree or to have absolute disagreement) determines the expression you use.

Expressing complete agreement
Formal situation Informal situation
I agree absolutely/ completely.I certainly agree with you.That’s certainly very true!I fully support the idea. I couldn’t agree with you more. Great idea/ sounds great!Yeah!You are right!Fine with me. I think you’re right.
Expressing reluctant Agreement
Formal situation Informal situation
I suppose you’re rightI guess that’s true.Perhaps you’re right. I hate to admit it, but you are right.Well, maybe you’re right.If you say so.
Expressing complete disagreement
Formal situation Informal situation
I disagree completely.That’s totally unacceptable.That’s absolutely not true.I think you’re totally mistaken. You’ve got to be kidding/ joking.You can’t be serious.That’s ridiculous!I couldn’t agree less.
adapted from Aida Mustapha.2011.Be Empowered in English: A coursebook: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
Expressing reservations/ doubts                                                                                                                                                                               
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I do see your point, but…I get your point, but…I guess that’s true, but… That’s true, but…That is very interesting, but…Maybe, but…

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